Scope |
The aim of the PSM2010 is to elucidate new general concepts which are common in low-temperature quantum phases of various "superclean" materials through discussions among distinguished international invited speakers and Japanese researchers in broad areas of condensed matter physics. Most of the Japanese participants are members of the group research project "Physics of New Quantum Phases in Superclean Materials (PSM)" which is financially supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, Sports and Technology (MEXT) of the Japanese Government.
The superclean materials include helium fluids and solids, ultra-cold alkali atomic gases, oxides, particularly ruthenium oxides, and organic materials, in which one can prepare samples with very high purity and quality. The scope of the PSM2010 is wide and interdisciplinary ranging, for example, over the following topics:
1. Novel strong correlation effects in fermions near localization
2. Spin liquids and other exotic magnetic states with frustration or ring exchanges
3. Recent progress in anisotropic superconductors and superfluids
4. Superfluid turbulence
5. Quantum phases of helium in restricted geometries
6. Supersolidity and other novel phenomena in quantum crystals